Sleep Apnea Treatment Anchorage

Sleep Apnea – The Unfortunate Side Effects


Anyone who suffers from sleep apnea knows that it is sometimes hard to come by a good nights’ sleep. If that apnea sufferer is you and you’re still fortunate enough to get a full eight hours of sleep, you can still be headachy, drowsy and tired the next day.

This unfortunate sleep apnea condition could also cause you to be grumpy and easily irritated for no reason that is apparent to you at first. 

Even more concerning than irritability and lost sleep is the fact that if left untreated, sleep apnea can be a big factor that contributes to other more serious illnesses like heart disease!

It would certainly be in your own best interest to seek professional help as quickly as possible, if you are one of these apnea sufferers, and that is where we can be of real help.  Here at The Houston Dentists, we can protect your health, and get you back to feeling normal again by ensuring you sleep soundly.

Sleep Apnea – What is it and What Are its Causes?


Basically, sleep apnea occurs when you stop breathing briefly, usually ten seconds or more, several times during prolonged sleep – often when you are not even aware.

Poor air circulation or a collapsed air passage is often the cause, and loud snoring is many times a result, which is also one of the signs of sleep apnea

Although most anyone can be a sleep apnea sufferer, the following six characteristics in people make them more vulnerable than others:

  1. A family history of the disorder
  2. A small jaw with large tonsils
  3. Heavy smokers
  4. Over weight
  5. Over forty years of age
  6. Male gender

Signs Pointing to Sleep Apnea

  • Disturbing your partner with loud snoring
  • Persistent difficulty concentrating, fatigue and daytime drowsiness
  • Morning dry or sore throat, and headaches
  • Frequent waking and even gasping for air during the night

Non-Surgical Treatments for Sleep Apnea



The industry “gold standard” for severe sleep apnea symptoms relief is the CPAP (Continuous positive Airway Pressure) machine. It is also a reliable alternative to invasive surgery for relieving the problem.

Gently repositioning your lower jaw to prevent air passage obstruction and better open your airway, a CPAP is worn over the face at night during sleep, thus preventing sleep apnea. 

These modern-day CPAP machines that we recommend to our patients are much more user- friendly than in the past, and certainly aren’t your grandpa’s bulky and loud machine.

Oral Appliance Therapy – The Total Freedom Device


We may recommend a custom-fit dental appliance for your mouth, an oral appliance that resembles a sports mouth guard somewhat, if your obstructed airway is due to your jaw alignment. 

This revolutionary dental appliance deals with your sleep apnea by moving your tongue from the back of the throat, and thus reducing the number of night time apneic events. 

This should even be effective in stopping your snoring!

If you are one of the unfortunate sufferers from sleep apnea, give Dr. Parisa Rahmanian a call as soon as possible.

New Patient Special

Includes comprehensive exam and full set of X-rays.

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Includes emergency-focused exam and necessary X-rays.

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